Message from the Management
Expression of Commitment during Establishment of the Yorozu Group Charter of Corporate Behavior
Yorozu has grown from the time of its establishment to the present day by respecting its founding philosophy and spirit.
This will not change in the future. Nevertheless, I think that as a group that has grown in a large way at home and abroad, we now need new principles that can be shared globally.
In the coming era, I think that we will have to conduct business while assessing changes in the world and society and emphasizing the viewpoint of sustainability and the trust of society in response to those changes. In particular, we will need to fulfill our corporate social responsibility (CSR) from a global perspective.
More specifically, we will hold compliance as a fundamental principal, be considerate to the environment and our employees, perform community service, and practice fair and transparent management.
Akihiko Shido, Chairman, CSR Promotion Committee