Yorozu Group Human Resources Policy

Yorozu regards social contribution as its raison d’être, and our people are the most important element to fulfill that mission.
Individuals with diverse cultural backgrounds thinking outside the box and serving as leaders at a company engaged in manufacturing—it is with these kinds of human resources that we will continue to grow and develop.
Educational Policy
- (1) Encouragement of self-developmentWe will develop and improve self-development programs and provide an environment for self-learning through the expansion of distance and in-house education, in order to support employees who seek personal growth.
- (2) Active promotion of departmental (functional) educationWe will provide training, conducted primarily by personnel responsible for education, with the aim of having employees acquire and increase their level of proficiency in specialized skills required within the company. ・ Implementation of departmental (functional) education(Promotion of quality control trainers at overseas sites by the Quality Assurance Department, etc.)・Effective utilization of external education to acquire specialized knowledge(Technical skills and legal knowledge, etc., needed in work procedures)
- (3) Active promotion of human resources development in the workplaceWe will cultivate and increase the number of trainers and foster in them an improvement-oriented mindset by conducting education and training in a human resources development system created through the evolution of the Yorozu Production Way (YPW). ・Implementation of N-TWI education and on-site management education at the Nissan Learning Center ・Utilization of distance learning (certified production ecialists courses, etc.) to promote proficiency in the fundamentals of manufacturing management and kaizen
- (4) Enhancement of training in internationalizationWe will provide training in language (English) and cross-cultural communication, to further our aim of being an “excellent company” on a global scale. ・Implementation of business English classes, distance learning, and in-house TOEIC examinations ・Education in cross-cultural communication in order to understand different ways of thinking across different cultures
- (5) Implementation of stratified educationWe will identify the duties required at each level within the company and provide stratified education for the following categories, with the aim of increasing abilities, skills, and knowledge, in order to improve job performance: ・Education for new hires; education for young and mid-career employees; education for leaders, executives, and site general managers
- (6) Knowledge, skills, and capacity matricesEmployees who have not achieved the required level in primary functions, with respect to the required levels set by each department, will be made to increase their level during the current fiscal year. Accordingly, an On-the Job Education and Training Plan and Performance Evaluation Form shall be formulated for them for that purpose.
Diversity Initiatives

In fiscal 2014, Yorozu won a Prefectural Labor Bureau Chief Prize for Excellence in the category of “Companies that Promote Equality,” which is an award sponsored by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in recognition of companies that promote gender equality and work-life balance.
An award certificate and plaque were received from the Kanagawa Prefectural Labor Bureau Chief This prize is given to companies in the region carrying out initiatives in order to encourage the full use of women’s abilities that can serve as models for others.
The Yorozu Group will continue to promote diversity in its workforce in the future.
Please check the Company’s Japanese website for details.